Brooklyn based jewelry designer, Anne Arden McDonald creates some beautiful and organically inspired pieces. We love the textures and weight of her rings and necklaces.

Anne Arden McDonald, Pendulum Necklace in Sterling Silver $125.00
The Pendulum has been an object that has been inspiring Anne with her photography, installation art and now jewelry. This solid sterling pendulum hangs on a gorgeous 18″ chain. Anne works hard on details and it shows not only with this necklace but in the decorated clasp.

*Note all the rings below come in one size, they all vary and should be tried.

Rings for Women:

Anne Arden McDonald Spiral ring in Sterling silver $85.00
A ring size 5 or so this spiral ring has a smooth texture but a lot of character.

Anne Arden McDonald Fern Ring in sterling silver $85.00
Anne uses a lot of actual objects to create her jewelry from. This ring was created from an impression from an original fern leaf.

Anne Arden McDonald Tiny shell ring in sterling silver $85.00
Anne found this beautiful shell in Florida when she was 7 years old. She has held onto it for so many years and now it found a place within her jewelry collection. The details are stunning in this one!

Anne Arden McDonald Lace ring in sterling silver $85.00
In this ring Victorian Lace is formed, molded and then cast in sterling silver.

Anne Arden McDonald Couple ring in sterling silver $85.00
A ring with the idea of couples embracing creating one.
(we have medium and large in this ring)

Rings for Men:

Anne Arden McDonald large Seahorse Ring in sterling silver $85.00
Amazing! This ring like many of her others are made from real objects. Yes this cast was made from a real seahorse and the details are perfect. This ring is around a 10 or 11 ring size.

Anne Arden McDonald Twig Ring in Sterling Silver $85.00
A small twig is molded into a ring like formation to create this natural beauty.

Anne Arden McDonald Bird Stamp Ring in sterling silver $85.00
A vintage wax stamp that would be used to seal letters back in the day was used to create this image. Large size only